1:1 Breathwork + Energy Healing sessions @Mortimer Street + online

The Journey starts with a consult discovering how breath work and spinal energetics can help you, learn more about you and discover any specific goals you have.

  • An introductory session takes around 90 to 120 minutes. Here you learn your unique breathing pattern through body mapping and breath analysis and then guided through an immersive breath work session, energy work, body work, meditation and visualisation. This is followed by integrative breath work exercises, meditations and tools to practice at home.

  • Further 1:1 sessions delve deeper into using breath for transformation, with physical and emotional release work.

  • There is an option to join a 4 and 8 week coaching program dedicated and focused on your goals, healing and connection to source.

Here’s what clients have said:

‘I felt incredibly held and allowed to go at my own pace and not be rushed. I felt like I went very deep and past a previous block. I felt a spacious and clear passage of energy from my womb up to my third eye. I also feel like I've let go of some habitual worry patterns since the session; it's been easier to consciously choose to not worry about certain things, and today I did not react how I normally would in a normally triggering situation. Your guidance felt extremely compassionate and intuitive. The phrase 'I am Magic' came into my mind before you said it (and that has been reiterated during the week with so many messages of magic). After this phrase came into my mind I saw an image of myself in a mirror, taking off the blinkers to see this aspect of myself. The feeling was of being in my potential and expansion.’

dccharliemoult@gmail.com or call me 07780003050



Saki House, 97 Mortimer Street, W1W 7SU